女性の裸体の一部に焦点を当てた”クローズアップ・ヌード”写真の旗手、伴田良輔氏の作品集 「CURVES”〜柔らかな景色」が刊行(皓星社) 。当社で印刷を担当させて頂きました。


The ground breaking book CURVES by Ryosuke Handa has been out now from Koseisha-publishing. The book is collection of works by the author, Ryosuke Handa throughout 25 years of his unending pursuit of capturing close-ups of naked female body parts. On his photography, those body parts are captured solely with light from the sun, that come through into the room between 2 and 3 in afternoon. You can take a glimpse of beauty by having a look on inner pages here.

“太陽光が磨りガラスを通過して、モデルの背後からその身体をふわりと包み込む。ほんの少しモデルが身体を動かせば、光もまた新しい曲線を浮かび上がらせる。人工的な光を当てることはあえてしない。自然光と身体のシンフォニーが美しいメロディを奏でる瞬間をファインダーの中で捉えるだけである。” 〜「午後3時の窓辺で」より

“Light from the sun crosses the frosted glass, and gently envelops the model’s body from the front. When the model moves her body faintly, the lights creates yet another curve. So I simply use the viewfinder to capture the moments of beautiful melodies that the symphony of the natural light and body perform.” By the Window at 3PM, Ryosuke Handa

印刷について〜Print director’s note



As printer, one of challenging task this time was Not to harm the sense of integrity and continuity throughout the book. As a matter of fact, the book has some section where both duotone and 4 color-based monochrome pages are in sequence.

On top of that, our focus was to reconcile rich blackness, delicate texture of dark parts and sensitive blight part that is crucial for the feels of natural light. The smooth gradation was also the key not to harm the sensitive beauty of skin throughout the book.

刊行記念展示会&トークイベント /Exhibition information


会期:2019年2月5日(火)~4月6日 (土) 17時~27時
会場:BAR 山﨑文庫  東京都港区六本木4-8-9 B1 地図 六本木駅6番出口より、徒歩1分

Special photo exhibition “CURVES” is now being held at BAR Yamazaki-bunko until April 6th (Sat) upon publishing of the book. Do not miss the opportunity to be there and get your copy of the “CURVES”!

BAR Yamazaki-Bunko
Adress:4-8-9, roppongi, Minatoku, Tokyo MAP

3/20 伴田良輔×浮世みゆ トーク&懇親会☆


日時:3月20日(水)午後7時から8時 終了後は懇親会


写真集「CURVES 柔らかな景色」は展示会場、また皓星社ホームページからもご購入いただけます。ぜひ、お手に取りください。

伴田良輔写真集『CURVES 柔らかな景色』
著者略歴 ※英訳あり
発売日 2019年2月22日
ページ数 112 ページ
価格 4,300円(+税)
ISBN 978-4-7744-0674-9
版型 B5変型判上製
編集 池谷修一
装幀 加藤勝也
印刷 東京印書館
株式会社 皓星社(こうせいしゃ)